Becoming Catholic
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Are you looking to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus? Are you discerning Catholicism? Have you attended Mass at Cathedral or a faith formation program and are curious about joining our faith community? We at Cathedral Parish are excited to welcome you and explore the ways in which God is calling you into deeper communion with him and the Church.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is an opportunity for adults to explore their relationship with Jesus and learn about the Catholic faith. RCIA is a journey geared toward those who:
- are not baptized,
- or are baptized in another religion,
- or are baptized Catholics but have not been fully initiated (received First Eucharist and Confirmation)
A Safe Place to Ask Questions
RCIA is a flexible process and depends on the individual’s faith journey. Meetings will focus on deepening a relationship with Jesus as well as understanding Catholic discipleship through an investigation of the sacraments, theology, the liturgical life of the Church, and parish life.
The process begins with an inquiry form, found here.
If you have any questions, please contact Vicki Compton at 217-522-3342 ext. 146 or email at She will meet with all inquirers on an individual basis to familiarize you with the process here at Cathedral and to get to know a little more about you!