Here is proven the old saying that actions speak louder than words, in this case God’s actions. It is this great mystery of Christmas, God becoming one with us in all things but sin, that is a stumbling block to many people of faith outside of Christianity. Many can accept the notion of resurrection but that God would condescend to enter into our human condition….unthinkable. Yet, here we are again at the manger to celebrate this wonderful reality, this wonderful mystery of the Word made flesh, the love of God incarnate.
The hustle and bustle of the secular world around us for this time of year is at an end, mostly because they sadly miss the whole point of Christmas, building up to one day and then for many people its all over. How wonderful for us in the Church that this is not the case. Christmas opens up for us a beautiful season in the life of the Church where we are invited to ponder, to stand in awe, to celebrate these wonderful actions by our loving God in the coming days and feasts. I hope and pray that you will take time in the days ahead to ponder these mysteries, to allow the Lord to enfold you in his love, to come to a deeper understanding of your own God-given worth that is testified to by the Lord Jesus coming to us.
On behalf of Bishop Paprocki, Fathers Maher and Stock, Deacons Smith and Keen, and all the parish and school staff, I want to wish you and yours a blessed and merry Christmas. May the light of the Christ Child, born for us in Bethlehem, lead us and all the world to greater peace and joy.
Father Christopher House is the Rector-Pastor of the Cathedral and serves in various leadership roles within the diocesan curia, specifically Chancellor and Vicar Judicial.