We are excited to announce a series of faith formation programs at the Cathedral this fall! Please bring a friend and join us for any or all of these formative programs. All are welcome and we will do our best to provide light hospitality. If you have any questions, please contact Vicki Compton at vcompton@cathedral.dio.org.
Book Study
Facilitated by parishioner Mary Francis and open to all, the book study group will choose a book on saints, spirituality, prayer, Church teaching, or something else to read and discuss. Bring your book suggestions and a snack to share if you like.
Cathedral School Hall, Wednesdays beginning September 19, 6:30-8:00pm
Bible Study
With men and women of Cathedral parish on the first and third Tuesday of the month beginning on September 18. Facilitated by parishioner Larry Travis.
Cathedral parish library, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays beginning September 18, 6:15-7:45pm
Catholicism Series
Bishop Robert Barron journeys around the world and deep into faith to teach us what Catholics believe and why. This video and discussion program uses the spiritual and artistic treasures of the Faith to illuminate the key teachings of the Church. Facilitated by Vicki Compton.
School Hall, Tuesday mornings, September 18-November 20, 10:00-11:30am
The Mystery of God: Who God Is and Why He Matters Join Father House for a DVD presentation by Bishop Robert Barron followed by discussion. This series will explore the mystery of the Triune God as understood in the Church’s Tradition and taught by such individuals as St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Pope Benedict XVI.
Cathedral Atrium, Tuesdays September 25th and October 2nd & 9th, 7:00pm
Festival Choir Concert
Choirs from throughout the diocese will come together for a musical celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Cathedral.
Cathedral, Saturday, October 13, 7:00pm
Priest, Prophet, and King
The three-fold ministry in which all of the baptized share comes from Jesus himself as Priest, Prophet, and King. Father House will present this DVD series by Bishop Robert Barron that explores who Jesus Christ is as God-made-man and Savior of the world.
Cathedral Atrium, Tuesdays October 23rd, 30th, & November 6th, 7:00pm
The Last Things
As the Church year comes to an end and the faithful are reminded to turn their attention to the Second Coming of Christ, Father Stock will explore the concept of the Four Last Things as taught by the Church: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.
Cathedral Atrium, Mondays November 19th & 26th, 7:00pm