One of the challenges that we all face in the Christian life is staying faithful to prayer even when it becomes “difficult” or when we have little desire to do so. St. Therese of Lisieux is one of the Church’s most beloved saints of the 20th century and she wrote very simply but beautifully about prayer. Her nickname of the “Little Flower” was one that she gave to herself. She imagined herself in God’s beautiful garden as just a simple little flower, compared to the spiritual masters who are more like bushes or trees! May her simple words on prayer inspire us to “keep at it” this week as we seek to love the Lord with all our heart!
From Story of a Soul
Sometimes when I am in such a state of spiritual dryness that not a single good thought occurs to me, I say very slowly the “Our Father,” or the “Hail Mary,” and these prayers suffice to take me out of myself.
I take refuge, then, in prayer, and turn to Mary, and our Lord always triumphs.
My strength lies in prayer and sacrifice; they are invincible weapons, and touch hearts more surely than words can do, as I have learned by experience.
We often think we receive graces and are divinely illuminated by means of brilliant candles. But from whence comes their light? From prayers, perhaps, of some humble, hidden soul, whose inward shining is not apparent to human eyes.
In a word, prayer is something noble, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites it to God.
For me, prayer is a burst from my heart, it is a simple glance thrown toward heaven, a cry of thanksgiving and love in times of trial as well as in times of joy.
Frequently, only silence can express my prayer.
Let us not grow tired of prayer: confidence works miracles.
The power of prayer has been understood by all the saints, and especially, perhaps, by those who have illumined the world with the light of Christ’s teaching.
My strength lies in prayer and sacrifice; they are invincible weapons, and touch hearts more surely than words can do, as I have learned by experience.
Our fulcrum is God: our lever, prayer; prayer which burns with love. With that we can lift the world!
Excerpt from