December 14th 8AM Mass Change
The 8 AM Saturday Mass on December 14th is cancelled. We will have Mass on Saturday, December 14th at 7 AM for our special Rorate Coeli Mass. All are welcome to attend!
Novena Closing Mass
The last night and closing Mass for the Novena this year is Monday, December 9th at 5:15 PM. The novena is moved one day this year because December 8th falls on the Second Sunday of Advent resulting in the transfer of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception to December 9th.
CCCW Cookie Walk Help
Are you interested in helping bake cookies or candies for our guests at the upcoming Cathedral Cookie Walk? The ladies of the Cathedral Council of Catholic Women would love to offer a variety of festive goodies and your help would be greatly appreciated. We will be accepting cookies and candies December 12th and December 13th from 10 AM to 7 PM. Please enclose the name of your cookies or candies and any special ingredients of note (for example, nuts, peanut butter, etc.). Thank you!