In the early fourth century, somewhere in northern Africa, in the town of Tagaste (the modern-day Souk Ahras), there lived a woman named Monica. Tagaste, a city that holds a notable place in the history of western civilization, was one of the cultural and socio-economic hubs of the civilization championed and shaped by Christianity. In this city, Monica was born, raised, and given in marriage to a pagan man – Patritius.
Already a Catholic before her marriage to Patritius, Monica devoted herself to the conversion of her pagan husband. To do this, Monica lived a holy and prayerful life. She was also very loyal and affectionate to her husband. Persevering in these virtues, Monica was blessed to have her husband voluntarily convert to the Catholic faith about a year before his death.
Around this time, Augustine left the faith as a young adult. He became wayward and openly scornful of the Catholic faith. Augustine engaged in various kinds of sinful behaviors that both severed his relationship with his mother and endangered his life. “He went astray in faith and manners” so much that his mother cried and prayed relentlessly for his conversion.
Monica’s motherly love for Augustine, like most mothers for their children, was boundless. She prayed unstoppingly and would always approach any priests and bishops she met to ask for prayers for her son. As we all know that God does not fail, Monica’s prayers were answered superabundantly. Through the instrumentality of St. Ambrose, then bishop of Milan, whom Monica had asked to pray for Augustine, the young man converted to the faith. He later became a priest and later a bishop. Today, Augustine is one of the most influential figures in Christian theology and philosophy, Catholicism, and a Saint for all times.
What a perfect model for Christian wives and mothers! We all can agree that there would not be any St. Augustine today without St. Monica. How inspiring!
Today, we live in a world and culture where most adults who grew up Catholic no longer practice the faith. Many of these people have left the Church and have become very hateful of the Church and its teachings. Some of these people grew up in homes where faith was never an essential part of family life. However, a good number of the people who have left the Catholic faith were raised in good practicing Catholic homes. Like in the case of the young Augustine, it is evident that he grew up in a practicing Catholic home but still left the faith. But his mother did not abandon him or give up on doing the needful. She prayed for Augustine relentlessly and would ask for prayers and counsels from priests and bishops.
Are you a wife and your husband is not serious with his faith or has left the faith entirely? Be like St. Monica!
Are you a mother, and your children have left the faith or are not serious with it? Be like St. Monica!