Stewardship of Time & Talent
Summer plans can mean lower Mass attendance, which leads to a greater need for volunteer and financial support. Please consider stewarding your talents in Liturgical Ministry this summer or sharing an extra gift toward the offertory during these summer months.
Stewardship of Treasure- May 19th & 20th
Envelopes: $5,113.00
Loose: $3,649.00
Maintenance: $1,434.00
TOTAL: $10,196.00
Needed to operate weekly: $15,907.89
Difference: $6,864.67
Stewardship of Treasure- May 26th & 27th
Envelopes: $5,335.00
Loose: $2,281.35
Maintenance: $70.00
TOTAL: $7,686.35
Needed to operate weekly: $15,907.89
Difference: $8,221.54
April EFT: $18,486.10