Over the past few days, if you are a registered parishioner of Cathedral, you should have received information regarding our Season of Stewardship and a commitment card in the mail. This commitment card is what we are asking every Cathedral household to complete and return. If you are not registered and would like to fill out the card, we invite you to do so online at https://spicathedral.org/stewardship-form/ . Everyone is invited to commit to a stewardship way of life and in the process grow deeper in their relationship to Jesus.
So you might be asking, why a commitment card? Why can’t I just make my promise to the Lord? Why would anyone need to know? To answer this, first think about our expression of faith. Intentional discipleship is an outward sign of God’s love and mercy in the world. Going to Mass, making the sign of the cross, are signals to people around you that you believe in Him. The Sacraments are a visible sign of God’s love and blessings in all of our lives. The way we act in our daily lives, our charity or service, is a visible sign of God’s hands and feet in the world. It is through our words, actions, and commitments that we all share the responsibility of discipleship and evangelization in the world.
Secondly, think about other commitments you have made. Have you ever tried to loose weight or make some type of serious change in your life? I have found that when I write down this commitment, and make it known to others, the likelihood of me reaching my goal is significantly higher. Cathedral wants to accompany you! The staff members are committed to helping you connect your faith to stewardship through prayer, service, or giving.
Third, think about the offertory. It is the invitation during the Mass in which we have the opportunity to discern our stewardship for the week ahead. It is our invitation to respond. If you are like me, sometimes it is challenging because we might contribute online, so we are unsure what to “place” as our offering. But, the Season of Stewardship challenges each of us to look at this part of the Mass differently. It challenges us to consider our commitment to stewardship in all ways of discipleship. We adults serve as examples to the young people around us. While I contribute online, my daughter contributes via her allowance and places something in the basket. She knows that Mommy places her gifts in the “online basket” and looks forward to doing that too, one day! Then, she is reminded to consider who she can be praying for this week and how she can help someone this week. It is a great spiritual exercise for family stewardship!
We hope you prayerfully discern your commitment to stewardship as a way of life and place the commitment card in the basket the next time you are at Mass, fill out the form online, or send the form to the Parish Offices.
If you have any questions regarding the Season of Stewardship or your participation in stewardship at the Cathedral, please contact Katie Price in the Parish Offices at kprice@cathedral.dio.org or call the Parish Offices at 522-3342.