I have a brochure entitled, “Why do we ‘have’ to go to Mass?”. The cover photo portrays a young child facing backwards in the pew and looking bored. My husband, a convert, long ago also asked the same question about the “obligation” of going to Holy Mass. Each question came from a different orientation, i.e., boredom versus obligation. Of course, the answer is because it is one of the Ten Commandments to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day! It is not an obligation so much as it is a commitment to honor the Lord’s Day.
Personally, I never had either of these feelings because I always felt it was an honor to go to Holy Mass (BTW, when did we drop the “Holy” Mass part?). Every Sunday on the way to Holy Mass I say to myself, “I GET to go to Holy Mass today.” It is an invigorating expectation! As I genuflect to the Altar and Tabernacle, I’m excited!
After Vatican II lay people were encouraged to participate more fully in the Liturgy. I finally got the courage to volunteer as a Lector/Reader and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. What a gift that has been in my life. I GET to give Jesus to others. I GET to serve Him more dearly. I GET to speak His words in this Holy place, our Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception What a blessing!
Rebecca and husband, Woody, have been Cathedral parishioners since the mid-1990’s and led the Cathedral Bible Study group for many years. She assists Sr. Francella with home and hospital visits. Rebecca has served as CCCW President, Springfield Deanery President, Springfield Diocesan CCW President, Chicago Province Director, and National