At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception we strive to live a stewardship way of life by praying, serving and giving. Please accept this form as your invitation to prayerfully reflect of how you and/or your family can participate in the life on the church and share in the grateful response to God’s call!
We ask you to fill out this form as a household or individually within your household. Everyone is invited to participate, parishioner or non-parishioner and children or adults. You will notice active ministries listed and potential opportunities for ministry life at Cathedral. We will be following up with interested volunteers to explore these ministry opportunities. Please bring it with you to Mass and place in the offertory basket. You may also mail the form back into the office, drop it off at the Parish offices or fill it out online at
If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at 217-522-3342.