What is a Vocation?
A vocation is “a calling.” Each individual has a vocation in life. Although each vocation is different, they are all an invitation by God to follow Him. He initiates this invitation, it is not from the world or ourselves.
Following God is not about a one-time experience. It is about developing a relationship with Christ over time. In the Gospels, Peter and Andrew, James and John left their nets and immediately followed Christ. While that is true, we must not forget that they had spent three years with Him. Even after spending that much time with Jesus, they still largely did not understand. The same is true for us today. God’s will becomes known to us over a period of time.
Keep in mind that it is important to learn to desire what God desires for you. Remaining true to this desire opens your heart to receive what God wants for you. Then, God himself will take care of you.
Visit the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Office of Vocations' website for more information, or send an email to vocations@dio.org