Hello. My name is Kevin Keen. I am a Lector at the 7:00am Sunday mass. I transferred to Cathedral as a parishioner many years ago from Sacred Heart Church in the St. Katherine Drexel parish. There, I served as a reader and thoroughly enjoyed my experience there.
After transferring to Cathedral, I wanted to continue this service, but was intimidated by its size and grandeur. I quickly discovered however that in a church large or small, Gods message remains the same. The delivery of that message was the same as well.
I summoned the courage and volunteered to read and have doing so ever since. Reading at mass makes me feel like part of the “team” that shares the good news each week. Realizing that I am sharing the stories of our Lord, I take pride in my delivery and am humbled to participate in this role.
I encourage anyone who might consider becoming a lector to give it a try. Don’t let the size of the church or the number of people you address influence your decision. As the ad says, “Just do it” You’ll be glad you did.
Kevin Keen is a Cathedral Parishioner involved in many ministries, including liturgical ministry and the Fr. Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council.