On November 4, the Church celebrated the Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, who was a cardinal of the Church and Archbishop of Milan. In a letter he wrote toward the end of his life, he addressed his priests with a variety of exhortations. The one that always stands out to me as I read it every year is the following:
Are you in charge of a parish? If so, do not neglect the parish of your own soul, do not give yourself to others so completely that you have nothing left for yourself. You have to be mindful of your people without becoming forgetful of yourself.
This serves as a reminder to me of the importance of my being diligent to taking care of my soul so that I can be of best service to you in my pastoral care of your souls. But I think these words can be extended to all of us, especially as we are preparing for my State of the Parish address at all of the masses next weekend. We will be considering the financial stewardship of the parish, the faith formation opportunities we have had this past year, the sacraments that have been celebrated. But more important than those facts and figures is the state of the soul of the individual members who make up our parish family. This is something that I cannot really speak to, as it touches on something that is hidden from my eyes. It deals with the relationship that each of us has with the Lord.
Perhaps this next week can be a time of personal reflection in which each one of us asks the Lord to shed His light into our souls to help us to see where we are at in our friendship with Him. Over the past year, how have we grown, if indeed we have grown? What is our attitude toward prayer? Are we more or less excited than a year ago about spending time with the Lord in prayer? What about our love for the Mass? Do we approach this greatest of all prayer with greater reverence and eager anticipation? Or, have we let our devotion and dedication slide? When was the last time we brought our sins to the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation? When was the last time we picked up the Bible to read or pray with the Word of God? When did we last pray the Rosary? How well am I doing with loving my neighbor in my heart?
The list of questions can go on and on, but I think you get the point. As I pray and discern about what to share next weekend, it would be great if all of us could bring with us an awareness of the present state of the parish of our souls. No doubt, we will find reasons for giving thanks, as well as identifying areas for growth, similar to our parish community. We bring all of that to the Lord, especially at the Mass, offering ourselves and our parish to Him, that we might be an acceptable offering to Him, one that we want to continue to purify and strengthen, so that the individual cells of the body of our parish family will make for a more united and vibrant community of intentional missionary disciples of Jesus Christ who seek to become saints!
Also, please remember to share what you are thankful for from the Cathedral. Information about submitting these expressions of gratitude can be found later in the bulletin or in our eWeekly communications.
Father Alford